How do we ignore negative manifestations and attract whatever we want? I'm excited to share this with you. How do we ignore negative manifestations? Blocks are the number one thing that disallows people from getting what they want in life. Let's dive right into this.
So one of the main things that blocks people from getting what they want in life is they don't know how to ignore "negative" manifestations. So many people will log into their mobile banking and there's no money in it or they don't get what they want, or a relationship doesn't work out or something they thought was going to work out, doesn't and what happens is we react and internalize whats happening.
We're conditioned to react to what we see or hear. When we do that, we're living at a very small bandwidth of reality. You want more money and then you look at your mobile banking and there's still no money in there. So you might say, "I am broke" or "this isn't working". But as soon as you do that, what you're doing is affirming the past over again.
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